Going On @ The Green

REP Game of the Month: Ghost

Special Events

REP Game of the Month: Ghost

Our Recess Enhancement Program's (REP) game of the month, Ghost, can be played outside on a small playground or inside in a gym.

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REP Game: Riverbank

Special Events

REP Game: Riverbank

Our Recess Enhancement Programs's (REP) game of the month, Riverbank, is the perfect game to get kids active indoors.

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REP Game: All My Neighbors

Special Events

REP Game: All My Neighbors

Our Recess Enhancement Programs's (REP) game of the month, All My Neighbors, is the perfect game to get kids active indoors.

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REP Game: Popcorn

Special Events

REP Game: Popcorn

Keep children engaged in physical activity while inside. Popcorn is the perfect indoor game for kids.

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