Ah, the dawn of a new year—a time brimming with possibilities for a fresh start!
You may be quick to hit the reset button, especially after the holidays where your schedule was less than predictable. However, did you know that more often than not, New Year’s resolutions fail? Why is that so? For starters, change isn't easy and is often met with mental resistance. Taking on too much too soon can be overwhelming. That's why we recommend starting by making small commitments to yourself. Here are a few easy resolutions you can actually keep:
Squeeze in a 20-minute workout with interval training.
Channel your inner Rocky Balboa minus the stairs — you've got this!
Rise and shine — and start your day with a glass of water!
Start your day with a refreshing glass of water. Your body will thank you.
Stretch it out. Break up the workday with a quick, 5-minute stretch.
Office chair yoga, anyone?
Mix up your fitness routine!
Try a new group exercise class, conquer the pool with some laps, or go all Hulk with the weights.
Set realistic goals.
Dream big, but start small by making one easy commitment daily. For example, take a 10-minute walk every day!
Feeling "plank-tastic"? Do a 1-minute plank every day.
Because nothing says strength like holding a pose that makes you question your life choices (we joke).
Skip the bus, train, car — you name it!
Did you know that a 15-minute walk to Asphalt Green's Upper Eas from the closest 4, 5, 6 subway stop burns about 50 calories?