Teachers, school administrators and students love Asphalt Green's Waterproofing program. Here's what some had to say about their experience with Waterproofing:


"The students in class 224 from P.S. 108 are super excited about the Asphalt Green Waterproofing program. Every Wednesday the students look forward to the opportunity to grow and learn as swimmers.  I have observed students who were timid or afraid of the water at the start grow to become more self-confident about their swimming abilities. Besides the benefits of increased self-esteem, the physical benefits of structured exercise are also positive. I'm glad that my class has had the opportunity to participate in the program this year. I hope that it can expand to include other classes in my school as well next year. Thank you Asphalt Green!" -Teacher at P.S. 108


"I like coming to swimming class because I get to learn how to swim with my friends. One of my favorite experiences was when I floated on the deep side of the pool. I was scared at first but when I tried it wasn't scary and the instructor Mr. David helped me. I think this swimming program is great for kids. I think kids who don't know how to swim will learn how to swim and kids who already know how to swim will get better and all of the kids will have fun doing it!" -Jonathan, student at P.S. 57


“I like swimming because it makes me confident and it makes me excited for summer because I can go swimming. Now if I fall into a pool I can save myself. Everybody here is nice—I enjoy learning with my instructors and playing with my friends. I enjoy jumping off the diving board, using noodles, blowing bubbles and free time.” -Khaylynn, second grader at P.S. 102


“I like swimming because it’s really fun and I enjoy it. It is a very fun sport. Now in the summer if my mommy takes me to the pool and she takes me to the deep side to swim, I can swim with her. I will have a lot of fun. I like playing with my friends in the pool too. I enjoy diving in the pool by myself.” -Khalib, second grader at P.S. 102


“On the first day of Waterproofing class, you would think the smile on Willie’s face meant he was eager to get in the water. It turned out that his smile was really just an involuntary reaction to his terror at the prospect of even dipping his toes in! By the second class Willie's instructor was able to encourage him to put his entire body into the pool. At that point the wall and the ladder were his best friends. If you could see Willie today, you would never guess he was the same boy who was once afraid to step foot into the pool. Willie now encourages his mother and little sister to come watch him as he shows off his kicks, bobs, bubbles and swimming. The smile on Willie's face is clearly no longer a smile to cover his fear. It is pure pride!” -Teacher at P.S. 57


“Current research perspectives on physical activity and exercise recommend that children should participate in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity for 60 minutes or more per day on most days of the week. Consistent with the research and that recommendation, six students engaged in a once-a-week swimming instruction and confidence building program at Asphalt Green. The students were able to overcome their anxieties that were so obvious when they first started the program. Most importantly, their teacher reports increased attention and participation in academic activities in the classroom following a swimming program session. In my opinion, these selected students who participated in the pool exercises at Asphalt Green greatly benefited from their experiences. I believe they experienced greater independence, increased motor skills, and increased overall confidence.” -Michael Gallano, Physical Therapist