Players test their listening skills and get active in our Switch, Change, Rotate, a Recess Enhancement Program (REP) game.
Switch, Change, Rotate
Who: Grades K-5
Players: 15+
Time: 10 minutes+
Where: Auditorium, cafeteria, classroom, gymasium, hallway, library, playground
Equipment: None
How to Play
- For groups of three, making sure each player is standing 6 feet away from each other.
- Line up by standing at least 6 feet apart from each other. Face the leader.
- You will hear a series of commands to follow:
- When the leader says SWITCH, the first and last players change places.
- When the leader says CHANGE, the entire group turns and faces the other direction.
- When the leader says ROTATE, the first player goes to the end and the middle player becomes the new leader.
- Do five jumping jacks if you mess up to rejoin the game.
Check for Understanding
- What do you do when the leader says ROTATE?
- What do you do if you mess up?
Game Tip
- Have players demonstrate the game before playing.
Conflict Resolution Tip
- Have different players be the leader and call out the commands.
Outdoor Tip
- Make groups of five or more.
EASY: Say the commands slowly.
MEDIUM: Players run in place.
HARD: Add different movements into the series of commands.
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