Notice something different? Our website got a makeover! We listened to your feedback and made improvements to make it easier to navigate our website and find what you are looking for faster. Here’s what you need to know:


Improved navigation on home page: Easily find the services you need. Our sports, fitness, aquatics, and camps programs have moved to the main navigation on our home page. Browse the programs you are looking for in two easy clicks.   


We didn’t forget about our other amazing programs! We still offer birthday parties, massages, childcare services, and lifeguard certifications. You can find them below our facility schedules on the home page. Here, you can also make a donation to support our free community programs and scholarships.


Easy program registration: To see all sessions available for your program-of-choice, select the VIEW ALL button, located below the program image. By selecting VIEW ALL, you will see the complete list of times offered for a particular program. Click HIDE ALL to collapse session details and conitnue browsing the page you are on.  


Music and arts programs at our Battery Park City campus: Music and arts programs are still available at our Battery Park City campus. See full list of classes here


We are always working on new ways to make your website experience better. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please email