On November 7, Anna Sompolski will step to the starting line of the New York City Marathon with more than 30,000 other people. As one of Asphalt Green’s charity racers, Anna is racing not only for herself but also to improve the lives of New Yorkers through sports and fitness. Get to know Anna better and find out what motivated her to run 26.2.   


Q: What inspired or motivated you to run the New Yor City marathon? 

A: The New York City marathon is so special to me.  I’ve run it before and was thrilled by the opportunity to run again with Asphalt Green! This race is full of inspiring, motivated runners who want to accomplish something big while having an amazing time.  Ask anyone who knows me, I love this race! 


Q: Why did you want to run with Team Asphalt Green? 

A: Some of my close friends work at Asphalt Green, so I’ve heard about their good work and seen improvements in the community.  I believe in the importance of physical activity and want every person to have access to a safe, supportive facility like Asphalt Green. 


Q: What do you love about running? 

A: Running gives me the chance to think about everything and nothing.  Sometimes I run to meditate and other times I run to socialize with my running buddies.  Running is so important to my physical and mental health. 


Q: How do you stay motivated during training? 

A: I stay motivated during training by reminding myself of the excitement on the Verrazano Bridge on race day! Also, long runs sare an opportunity to spend time with friends.  Running 20 miles together is kind of like hanging out for four hours.  


Q: Why are sports and fitness important? 

A: Some of my fondest memories and closest friends are due to my experiences playing softball, kickboxing, running cross country, and going camping and hiking. I feel so grateful for the way my love of being outdoors has connected me with wonderful people. 


Help Anna reach her fundraising goal. Donate today.