On November 7, Asphalt Green’s very own board member Aloysee Heredia Jarmoszuk will step to the starting line of the New York City Marathon with more than 30,000 other people. As one of Asphalt Green’s charity racers, Aloysee is racing not only for herself but also to improve the lives of New Yorkers through sports and fitness. Get to know Aloysee better and find out what motivated her to run 26.2.   


Q: What inspired or motivated you to run the New York City marathon? 

A:  I am inspired by the 50th anniversary of New York City Marathon, the city reopening post-pandemic, and the opportunity to give back. 


Q: Why did you want to run with Team Asphalt Green? 

A:  I wanted the opportunity to be a good partner to Asphalt Green and its board of directors.  


Q: What do you love about running? 

A: Running is a great way to exercise and allows me solo time to reflect.  


Q: How do you stay motivated during training? 

A: I am motivated by the excitement of marathon season and race day.  


Q:  Why are sports and fitness important? 

A: Sports and fitness are good ways to stay healthy both physically and mentally.   


Q: What songs are on your running playlist? 

A: I run to a mix of music from every decade and genre.  


Help Aloysee reach her fundraising goal. Donate today.