Martial Arts Classes
Asphalt Green’s youth martial arts program uses methods and techniques from various martial arts styles, including karate, boxing, Taekwondo, jui-jitsu and Muay Thai. Practicing martial arts encourages self-discipline, increases self-esteem, instills respect, improves listening skills, boosts socialization skills and develops the concept of teamwork.
Our martial arts instructors are highly experienced in martial arts training as well as children’s physical education. Their energy and enthusiasm leading our classes helps each child bring their best performance. In addition, our classes feature the most contemporary training equipment (pads, bags and mats) in the martial arts industry. Our studio space also has space for parents to observe their child during class.
View the martial arts curiculum calendar here.
For more information on our youth martial arts programs, contact Max Castro: 212.298.2900 x2922,