Dodgeball is one of the most popular games for kids. However, it can get aggressive, so we created a modified version, Virus, that keeps the game safe while still being fun.
Who: Grades 3 to 5
Players: 20+
Time: 20+ minutes
Where: Large indoor or outdoor space
Equipment: Four soft gator balls
How to Play
- Spread out. Each ball represents a virus.
- Roll or throw the balls at other players. Aim below the waist.
- If you are hit with a ball, you take a knee and watch the player that hit you.
- When the player that hit you is hit by a ball, you are back in the game.
- Continue playing until you are hit by another virus.
- If a player aims above the waist, he or she must take a knee for 30 seconds.
EASY: Start with only one ball.
MEDIUM: Players can only take two steps before rolling or throwing the ball.
HARD: Players must stand on one leg.
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