At Asphalt Green, we believe everyone deserves equal access to high-quality sports, fitness, and play programs. Unfortunately, LGBTQ+ athletes and fitness enthusiasts still face barriers to participation.  

For Pride month this year, we’re spotlighting four organizations working tirelessly to make athletics more inclusive and equitable for LGBTQ+ communities.  

1. Athlete Ally

Athlete Ally is a nonprofit LGBTQ athletic advocacy group whose mission is to end homophobia and transphobia in sport and to activate the athletic community to exercise their leadership and champion LGBTQ+ equality. Athlete Ally ambassadors provide educational resources to athletic communities, fight to change sport policy, and advocate for LGBTQ rights around the country.  

Learn More About Athlete Ally

2. The OUT Foundation  

The OUT Foundation’s mission is to remove the barriers that block LGBTQ+ individuals’ from access and participation in fitness, health, and wellness, and dedicates itself to nurturing, empowering, and celebrating LGBTQ+ bodies and minds. 

The Out Foundation began in 2011 as an “OUTWOD” gay CrossFit meetup in New York City. Since then, the organization has grown to serve 102 gyms with health and wellness equity training.  

Learn More About The OUT Foundation

3. Callen Lorde  

Callen-Lorde Community Health Center provides sensitive, quality health care and related services targeted to New York’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities — in all their diversity — regardless of ability to pay. To further this mission, Callen-Lorde promotes health education and wellness, and advocates for LGBTQ+ health issues. 

Serving New York City communities for over fifty years, Callen Lorde is now a global leader in LGBTQ health and wellness.  

Learn More About Callen Lorde

4. GLSEN- Changing the Game Project  

GLSEN's Changing the Game is a groundbreaking program that started in 2011 to give resources for educators and students to ensure that physical education classes and athletics are inclusive for LGBTQ+ individuals.  

For over a decade, GLSEN has helped make youth athletics more accessible and inclusive.  

Learn More About GLSEN

Sports, Fitness, and Play Must Be Accessible to All 

At Asphalt Green, we take great inspiration from the many people and organizations whose work aligns with our mission to transform lives and build community through sports, fitness, and play for all. 

Learn more about our own work to expand access to sports, fitness, and play programs below! 

Learn More About Asphalt Green