Play Asphalt Green

REP Game of the Month: Fishy Fishy

November 27, 2018

As the weather gets colder, more recess periods are spent indoors. Not to worry! Our Recess Enhancement Program (REP) has you covered with our game of the month, Fishy Fishy. This game is best played in a gym, but you could play it in a hallway too if it is the only space available.


Fishy Fishy

Who: Grades K to 2

Players: 15+

Time: 15+ minutes

Where: Outdoor field or indoor gym or hallway


How to Play

  • Instruct the students to form a line. The students are swimmers and the facilitator is the fishy. 
  • Swimmers must cross the ocean and get to the other side of the game’s boundary without getting tagged. 
  • To start, the students say, “Fishy, fishy can we cross your ocean?” 
  • If the facilitator says, “yes,” then the students run across and try to get to the other side of the game’s boundary. If the facilitator says, “no,” then the students stay at the starting line and ask again. 
  • If a student gets tagged, he or she freezes, becomes seaweed, and tries to help the facilitator tag other swimmers with two fingers without moving. 


Instruct students to cheer each other on. 


EASY: Walk.

MEDIUM: Hop on two feet.

HARD: Skip. 


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