Kids exercise their brains and bodies in this popular Recess Enhancement Program (REP) game, I'm Going to Recess.
I'm Going to Recess
Who: Grades K-8
Players: 5+
Time: 10 minutes+
Where: Auditorium, cafeteria, classroom, gymnasim, hallway, library, playground
Equipment: None
How to Play
- Players form a circle standing 6 feet apart from one another.
- The leader will select one person to start. That player will say, “I am going to recess and I am bringing [noun that begins with the letter A].”
- The person on his or her left will then say, “I am going to recess and I am bringing [noun that begins with the letter B]." This pattern continues until the group completes the alphabet.
- If someone says the incorrect letter or a word that is not in the dictionary, then the whole circle does 10 seconds of silly dancing.
Check for Understanding
- What does each word have to begin with?
- What happens if a player makes a mistake?
Game Tip
- Put a time limit on each turn.
Conflict-Resolution Tip
- Play rock-paper-scissors to settle any disputes.
Easy: Players must jog in place.
Medium: Players must make it through the alphabet twice.
Hard: Players can only bring something from a specific category (fruit, animals, etc.).