REP Game: Detective

This exciting Recess Enhancement Program (REP) game encourages teamwork and detective work.
Who: Grades K-5
Players: 10+
Time: 10 minutes+
Where: Auditorium, cafeteria, classroom, gymnasium, hallway, library, playground
Equipment: None
How to Play
- Players form a circle and stand 6 feet away from each other. The facilitator will pick one detective that will leave the circle.
- The facilitator will pick one one leader who will start making movements that everyone else in the circle will copy.
- The detective starts in the middle and tries to figure out who is the leader.
- The detective has three guesse. After three guesses, choose a new leader and detective.
Check for Understanding
- How many guesses does the detective get?
- Who do the players copy?
Game Tip
- Tell students not to give away the leader.
Conflict Resolution Tip
- Have players wi-fi (wireless high five or air five) each other.
Easy: Leader can speak.
Medium: Have two detectives.
Hard: Have two leaders.
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