Asphalt Green

Player to Coach: Community Sports Leagues Come Full Circle for Sean Medina

March 27, 2020

Sean Medina, a high school senior at The Facing History School, got his start in organized athletics through Asphalt Green’s Community Sports Leagues. He shined in basketball and flag football. When he aged out of the league, he continued to play in high school and is now the captain of the basketball team.   

Sean says, “I knew I wanted to pursue sports since sixth grade. [Community Sports Leagues] allowed me the opportunity to demonstrate my talent and feel confident.”  

When his former teacher at Bea Fuller Rodgers School, Kelly Finlaw, took over Asphalt Green’s Community Sports Leagues at his middle school, she needed a coach. Sean got the call. 

His answer was easy: yes.  

“I felt this was a great opportunity for me to show my leadership,” Sean says. “I wanted to show that I could lead a team of student-athletes and be a student-athlete myself.”   

Bea Fuller Rodgers School would not have had a team without Sean’s help. Sean is proud to give back to a league that propelled his passion for sports.  

“[Asphalt Green] has given me the opportunity to play sports,” Sean says. “Not everyone can afford cleats and uniforms. [Community Sports Leagues] provide for those who need it most.”