New York City public schools have almost entirely stripped away the sports and fitness programs that give children the opportunity to learn teamwork, sportsmanship and positive exercise habits. With your help, Asphalt Green’s new FIT KIDS FIT CITY campaign will reach 30,000 New York City kids this year.

FIT KIDS FIT CITY is a new campaign to fund all of Asphalt Green's free community programs and scholarships for fiscal year 2013-2014. Our FIT KIDS FIT CITY campaign will deliver free programs in schoolyards, gymnasiums and pools across New York City.

To do that, we need to raise $2.25 million. For $75, you can help one child become fitter and healthier.

Your FIT KIDS FIT CITY donations will support:

For more information about our FIT KIDS FIT CITY campaign, please contact the Development Department: 212.369.8890 x2232,